Straw Free Week
@ The Metropolis

15 - 21 Sep 2018

Singaporeans use about 2.2 million straws a day.

If laid end-to-end, our daily plastic straw consumption would cover the coastline of Singapore more than twice over!

What's so bad about straws?

They are among the top 10 items found during beach clean-ups and can cause harm to seabirds, turtles, and other marine animals. Straws are non-biodegradable and they never get recycled in Singapore.

If you think about it, it’s really unnecessary for most people to use the straw – we can just sip! We believe that refusing single-use plastic straws is the easiest and simplest way for everyone to take action today.

Zero Waste SG, together with Squeezed!, Unpackt and Ho Bee Land have come together to organise Straw-Free Week @ The Metropolis to encourage everyone to stop using plastic straws for good.

From 15 to 21 Sep 2018, retailers will not readily offer straws to customers.

With that, customers:

  1. are encouraged to refuse straws,
  2. buy and use a reusable straw, or
  3. request for a straw if they really need one.

We hope that straws will be your first step to start making other small switches towards a less wasteful lifestyle!

What Else Is On @ The Metropolis

Check out what else you can do @ The Metropolis leading up to Straw-Free Week from July to September.

Shop Packaging-Free

Try shopping packaging-free with Unpackt, located at Squeezed!

Find Reusable Options

Check out other reusable options by Project.R, stocked at Squeezed!

Talks & Workshops

Attend talks and workshops – scroll down for details!

Launch Event

Sign up for this event has now been closed.

Participating Companies & Retailers

Organised & Supported By